Sunday, October 28, 2007

Korea Special 04 - The Han River - Tribute to "the HOST"

The Host - one of my all time favourite film. When I know that I got the chance of visiting Seoul, visiting the Han river became a very high priority. When I met Eunvy on the plane, we started talking about everything and film is one of the topics. We have decided to have a one day adventure at the han river and do things as the characters did in the film. This might sound silly to you but hey I don't care, I had fun! 

some of you might remember that this is the bridge area where the monster was hanging and jumping around like an acrobat.

This is the convenient store where the character works. And in this scene he was making fried octopus and beer to his customers. Where he intentionally "steals" two long octopus legs.

We had fried octopus and beer next to the river. We talk and laughed....such a beautiful monday afternoon!!!
I pretend to be throwing beer can down the river Han. Again, if u 've seen the film, u'll know why.
I can't believe that I get to see the great monster itself at last!!

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