Thursday, October 12, 2006

from madrid > london blog

i started a new blog just dedicated to this trip, enjoy!!

Monday, October 02, 2006

Sukki's Story's screening - After the fact

Fantastic day I 've had!!

I have been feeling nervous about this day for quite a long time, never watched the film in a cinema environment with my friends and family and hundreds of other audiences in my home country~

It was good!! Couldn't be better!

Catchup with a lot of pepole that I haven't catchup in ages, Kitty, Clement's Mum, Noelle, Alex, Siu Wo, Andy, Luigi, Sergio, Auntie, Teresa, Judy and Anson.....etc.

It's like me having a party at the coolest venue possible - a cinema with Digital Surround sound....

I actually felt like I was going to the Parent's day back at my school days...nervous, but always hoping my teacher will say some good words about me....and its always nervous to get to see classmate's parents.

I guess I am more mature now.....looking forward to Spain!

please stayed tune in this blog as I will be reporting my trip through this blog~

Tom Tom

Sukki's Story HK Premiere Photos~

Siu Wo and me

Judy ( my supervisor ), Anson (super professional photographer) , me

Sergio (thx for your BIG red pocket!!), Mama, Baba, me, Luigi (thx for being here dude, I am touched! ), Larraine & Auntie (thx for your BIG red pocket!!)

Carmen (thanks for coming to all my big days) and my family~

me and Andy Yeah!! (thanks for taking all these cool pix!)
you are always the cool one....thx for your support! haha!

(forgot to ask her name)...., Kitty (you look fantastic!! ) & me ( also look fantastic but with a tummy )

** (pic above) What's with that girl in the poster behind me....i guess she is just WAY too happy for me......

my family and Auntie Law (thanks for coming !! My mum love those mooncakes! Thanks)

me and Teresa's friend

me on my way to the screening....nervous as hell

my family, Noelle (love your work!!) and Alex (love your bubbles)

that's just me trying to ease the tension